To celebrate my 32nd birthday and for the purpose of this assignment, I went to a BDSM club back in September. I learned about the club through a friend of my coworker. The invite was for a “Black munch” where BDSM singles and couples within the African-American community gathered together for dinner at a BBQ restaurant in Manhattan, just a block away from the club. When my partner and I arrived at the restaurant, there was already a decent crowd of people sitting at tables and standing, chatting with their partners. My partner and I eased into the room and proceeded to the check-in table where we ended up paying $40 per ticket.
I was wrapped in a whole bundle of feelings. I felt happy, excited, nervous, and afraid all at the same time. I really had no reason to be afraid because I was with my significant other who would protect me if anything went awry. After paying for our ticket, we scanned the room for a place to sit. Just about two feet away, there was a tall table with two chairs where we took a seat. There was a table of food adjacent to where we were sitting that held trays of chicken. Fried chicken, as if the saying is true that all Black people eat chicken. About an hour later, seven or eight men and women carrying platters of macaroni and cheese, baked chicken, salad, and dessert came to the rescue. But by that time, I had already made up my mind that I wasn't going to eat anything. I was looking forward to the main reason why I got dressed in my black pleated skirt, tights, and blouse in the first place.
Before leaving the restaurant, my partner treated me to a couple of glasses of Long Island Iced Tea, which began to sneak up on me as we were leaving the restaurant. I had \the address to the BDSM club written on a piece of paper that I had kept folded in the pocket of my jacket. By the time we left the restaurant, it was pitch black, so I handed the address to my partner. It took us not even 5 minutes to get to the club which we were escorted to by a short, stocky man who was standing on the sidewalk outside in front. We followed behind him up a flight of stairs and walked inside a set of double doors to a table where we were greeted by a man and woman. The admission fee was $35 per person. After paying, we walked inside and took a seat on a couch near the wall.
From what I can recall, the ambiance of the room was warm, inviting, and relaxed. The lights were dimmed and there were candles burning. Each corner of the room featured a couple entangled in love, wrapped up in each other's arms. It was as if everyone was in a world of their own. In front of where we were sitting was a restraint bar in the shape of an X. A man and a woman had it occupied and were enjoying the moment. Near the center of the room was another couple. The woman was bent over and tied down to a metal bar. Her partner, who stood about 6'5 gave her what appeared to be a discipline spanking.
Taking in the scenes put me in a position where I felt free. The effects of the alcohol helped lower my inhibition and the thought of me being in a place where no one knew my name made me feel even more at ease. My curiosity into the world of BDSM, was heightened even more when I noticed another couple sitting behind us. The man was sitting in the chair, wearing a 3 piece suit. The woman, who appeared to be his submissive was hardly wearing anything. Her breasts, nipples, and ass were exposed. The only thing that she was wearing was a black leather thong and a pair of restraints around her wrists and ankles. My partner, who was sitting next to me, couldn't help but resist eying her perky chocolate nipples. His fascination for this woman's flawless body dissipated when her partner escorted her by her chains from where they were sitting to another room out of our sight.
Eventually, my partner and I felt safe enough to immerse ourselves into our own worlds and enjoy each other's company. My partner grabbed my chin and planted a wet kiss on my lips. I rested my head on my partner's chest as he began to massage my back and caress my inner thighs. Before I knew it, I was on cloud 9, in a world where I felt unrestrained and strong. My strength grew by allowing my anxieties and worries to dwindle away with every passing moment. To heighten the sensuality of my experience, I removed my undergarments and handed them to my partner. The rest of the night remains history.
I was wrapped in a whole bundle of feelings. I felt happy, excited, nervous, and afraid all at the same time. I really had no reason to be afraid because I was with my significant other who would protect me if anything went awry. After paying for our ticket, we scanned the room for a place to sit. Just about two feet away, there was a tall table with two chairs where we took a seat. There was a table of food adjacent to where we were sitting that held trays of chicken. Fried chicken, as if the saying is true that all Black people eat chicken. About an hour later, seven or eight men and women carrying platters of macaroni and cheese, baked chicken, salad, and dessert came to the rescue. But by that time, I had already made up my mind that I wasn't going to eat anything. I was looking forward to the main reason why I got dressed in my black pleated skirt, tights, and blouse in the first place.
Before leaving the restaurant, my partner treated me to a couple of glasses of Long Island Iced Tea, which began to sneak up on me as we were leaving the restaurant. I had \the address to the BDSM club written on a piece of paper that I had kept folded in the pocket of my jacket. By the time we left the restaurant, it was pitch black, so I handed the address to my partner. It took us not even 5 minutes to get to the club which we were escorted to by a short, stocky man who was standing on the sidewalk outside in front. We followed behind him up a flight of stairs and walked inside a set of double doors to a table where we were greeted by a man and woman. The admission fee was $35 per person. After paying, we walked inside and took a seat on a couch near the wall.
From what I can recall, the ambiance of the room was warm, inviting, and relaxed. The lights were dimmed and there were candles burning. Each corner of the room featured a couple entangled in love, wrapped up in each other's arms. It was as if everyone was in a world of their own. In front of where we were sitting was a restraint bar in the shape of an X. A man and a woman had it occupied and were enjoying the moment. Near the center of the room was another couple. The woman was bent over and tied down to a metal bar. Her partner, who stood about 6'5 gave her what appeared to be a discipline spanking.
Taking in the scenes put me in a position where I felt free. The effects of the alcohol helped lower my inhibition and the thought of me being in a place where no one knew my name made me feel even more at ease. My curiosity into the world of BDSM, was heightened even more when I noticed another couple sitting behind us. The man was sitting in the chair, wearing a 3 piece suit. The woman, who appeared to be his submissive was hardly wearing anything. Her breasts, nipples, and ass were exposed. The only thing that she was wearing was a black leather thong and a pair of restraints around her wrists and ankles. My partner, who was sitting next to me, couldn't help but resist eying her perky chocolate nipples. His fascination for this woman's flawless body dissipated when her partner escorted her by her chains from where they were sitting to another room out of our sight.
Eventually, my partner and I felt safe enough to immerse ourselves into our own worlds and enjoy each other's company. My partner grabbed my chin and planted a wet kiss on my lips. I rested my head on my partner's chest as he began to massage my back and caress my inner thighs. Before I knew it, I was on cloud 9, in a world where I felt unrestrained and strong. My strength grew by allowing my anxieties and worries to dwindle away with every passing moment. To heighten the sensuality of my experience, I removed my undergarments and handed them to my partner. The rest of the night remains history.