Note: If you're reading this, then you're one of Dr. Umar Johnson's faithful supporters. For mature audiences only! Copyright 2018 Dani's World All Rights Reserved
On August 31st, exactly 13 days ago from today, Dr. Umar appeared in my dream while I was asleep. It was my very first dream that I ever had about Dr. Umar and it had me flabbergasted!
On the night of September 12th, it happened again!! Not long before I fell asleep, I was listening to a live interview with Dr. Umar Johnson on YouTube where he gave updates about the FDMG Academy. I was curious to know a few things regarding his school and had asked him about the possibility of opening the school on the continent of Africa and how much more money he needed to raise to achieve his fundraising school. While I was delighted to hear that money wasn't necessarily the impediment to the school's opening, I was a bit discouraged to hear he was experiencing some difficulty acquiring the school due to the fact that sellers were avoiding to sell to him simply because of who he is. It saddened my heart to hear him say that there were people out there discriminating against him, not only on the basis of his skin color, but also because he is unapologetic in his vision to build an institution strictly designed to break the school-to-prison pipeline, specifically targeted towards at risk African-American boys. The phone interview lasted until 9:30 Pacific Standard Time before Dr. Umar Johnson bid us farewell.
Following the interview, I checked my email to find that I had received a message from the Chairperson of my Dissertation regarding our scheduled meeting for Thursday, September 13th stating she had a family emergency. After a few email exchanges, we ended up postponing our meeting to next week and agreed that I would follow up with her via email with an update regarding my progress towards developing my literature review. Following, I fluffed my pillow and went into a deep sleep.
Considering I have a vivid imagination, it's not uncommon that I have lucid dreams at night. But this dream was very unique because it was my second time where Dr. Umar Johnson and I met while I was asleep. In the dream, I remember that we were out shopping at a store during the day. I can't remember the exact store but it seemed to resemble the likes of a Target. Following, I invited him to my apartment in Hollywood. In the dream, I took him to this large multi-storied building where I lived on the top floor. On our way up, I remember Dr. Umar Johnson bending down to plant a wet kiss on my lips. Then he wiped off his saliva with his thumb and swatted me on the butt. I jumped in excitement like a little girl about to get on her favorite ride at a county fair. When we reached the top floor, I remember passing by a group of police officers who had an African-American male cornered with a gun to his head. Mysteriously, we didn't stop or intervene but proceeded to walk in the direction of my apartment. Inside my apartment, there were boxes lined against the wall because I was in the process of moving. Dr. Umar proceeded to walk inside my apartment as if he owned it. I sat my bags down in the kitchen while Umar took a beeline for the restroom. When he exited the restroom, Dr. Umar approached me from behind and wrapped his arms around me. I turned around to face him and began kissing him passionately with the tip of my left hand groping his neck while my right hand explored his midsection. As I cupped his groin from the outside of his jeans, I could feel his manhood stiffen, reaching the point of no return. Then the unspeakable happened. I woke up to an empty bed and peered at the time on my phone. It was only 5:00 a.m. I was utterly disgusted. I still had a whole hour and 45 minutes before my alarm clock would sound and it was time for me to wake up. Just as in my first dream about the Prince, I was left feeling refreshed yet unfulfilled. My heart sunk as I lay half naked in my bed realizing that it was only a dream!
Now that it's Friday, September 14th, 2 weeks before my 35th birthday, I wonder if my dreams about Dr. Umar will ever come true. Although part of me thirsts in anticipation for the day I will meet Dr. Umar, another part of me is thrilled just by the mere fantasy of meeting him. It's as if the fantasy of meeting Dr. Umar Johnson feels more rewarding than the thought of actually meeting him in person. At least in my imaginative dream world, I am protected against the worse case scenario. If in fact we do meet in person, my expectations will be high – so high that it would be inevitable that I will face some type of disappointment because real life is nothing like the world of fantasy and dreams. Nevertheless, there stands a strong possibility that we will cross paths someday because it is a small world. Either way, I can't go without saying that my attraction towards Dr. Umar is a spiritual and political one. Not to mention, these dreams I keep having coincide with my current reality of being in my mid 30s and experiencing a ticking biological clock. Even if we never meet and he falls in love with the woman of his dreams who just so happens to not be me (wink) I still will continue to support him and have faith in his vision. Despite the controversy surrounding his work, I admire him for being a strong courageous Black man, warrior, and freedom fighter. It's one thing to be pro-Black, but it's another to risk losing your credentials and even your life to help save Black lives. He's one of the leaders that I have upmost respect for and I am exhilarated about what the future holds.
Together we stand, divided we fall.
On August 31st, exactly 13 days ago from today, Dr. Umar appeared in my dream while I was asleep. It was my very first dream that I ever had about Dr. Umar and it had me flabbergasted!
On the night of September 12th, it happened again!! Not long before I fell asleep, I was listening to a live interview with Dr. Umar Johnson on YouTube where he gave updates about the FDMG Academy. I was curious to know a few things regarding his school and had asked him about the possibility of opening the school on the continent of Africa and how much more money he needed to raise to achieve his fundraising school. While I was delighted to hear that money wasn't necessarily the impediment to the school's opening, I was a bit discouraged to hear he was experiencing some difficulty acquiring the school due to the fact that sellers were avoiding to sell to him simply because of who he is. It saddened my heart to hear him say that there were people out there discriminating against him, not only on the basis of his skin color, but also because he is unapologetic in his vision to build an institution strictly designed to break the school-to-prison pipeline, specifically targeted towards at risk African-American boys. The phone interview lasted until 9:30 Pacific Standard Time before Dr. Umar Johnson bid us farewell.
Following the interview, I checked my email to find that I had received a message from the Chairperson of my Dissertation regarding our scheduled meeting for Thursday, September 13th stating she had a family emergency. After a few email exchanges, we ended up postponing our meeting to next week and agreed that I would follow up with her via email with an update regarding my progress towards developing my literature review. Following, I fluffed my pillow and went into a deep sleep.
Considering I have a vivid imagination, it's not uncommon that I have lucid dreams at night. But this dream was very unique because it was my second time where Dr. Umar Johnson and I met while I was asleep. In the dream, I remember that we were out shopping at a store during the day. I can't remember the exact store but it seemed to resemble the likes of a Target. Following, I invited him to my apartment in Hollywood. In the dream, I took him to this large multi-storied building where I lived on the top floor. On our way up, I remember Dr. Umar Johnson bending down to plant a wet kiss on my lips. Then he wiped off his saliva with his thumb and swatted me on the butt. I jumped in excitement like a little girl about to get on her favorite ride at a county fair. When we reached the top floor, I remember passing by a group of police officers who had an African-American male cornered with a gun to his head. Mysteriously, we didn't stop or intervene but proceeded to walk in the direction of my apartment. Inside my apartment, there were boxes lined against the wall because I was in the process of moving. Dr. Umar proceeded to walk inside my apartment as if he owned it. I sat my bags down in the kitchen while Umar took a beeline for the restroom. When he exited the restroom, Dr. Umar approached me from behind and wrapped his arms around me. I turned around to face him and began kissing him passionately with the tip of my left hand groping his neck while my right hand explored his midsection. As I cupped his groin from the outside of his jeans, I could feel his manhood stiffen, reaching the point of no return. Then the unspeakable happened. I woke up to an empty bed and peered at the time on my phone. It was only 5:00 a.m. I was utterly disgusted. I still had a whole hour and 45 minutes before my alarm clock would sound and it was time for me to wake up. Just as in my first dream about the Prince, I was left feeling refreshed yet unfulfilled. My heart sunk as I lay half naked in my bed realizing that it was only a dream!
Now that it's Friday, September 14th, 2 weeks before my 35th birthday, I wonder if my dreams about Dr. Umar will ever come true. Although part of me thirsts in anticipation for the day I will meet Dr. Umar, another part of me is thrilled just by the mere fantasy of meeting him. It's as if the fantasy of meeting Dr. Umar Johnson feels more rewarding than the thought of actually meeting him in person. At least in my imaginative dream world, I am protected against the worse case scenario. If in fact we do meet in person, my expectations will be high – so high that it would be inevitable that I will face some type of disappointment because real life is nothing like the world of fantasy and dreams. Nevertheless, there stands a strong possibility that we will cross paths someday because it is a small world. Either way, I can't go without saying that my attraction towards Dr. Umar is a spiritual and political one. Not to mention, these dreams I keep having coincide with my current reality of being in my mid 30s and experiencing a ticking biological clock. Even if we never meet and he falls in love with the woman of his dreams who just so happens to not be me (wink) I still will continue to support him and have faith in his vision. Despite the controversy surrounding his work, I admire him for being a strong courageous Black man, warrior, and freedom fighter. It's one thing to be pro-Black, but it's another to risk losing your credentials and even your life to help save Black lives. He's one of the leaders that I have upmost respect for and I am exhilarated about what the future holds.
Together we stand, divided we fall.